About Me

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I have worked in sales, marketing and management for the better part of 20 years. I am working to create new environments that apply to teaching and learning, helping others to get ahead of the paridigm shift today in user generated content and facilitation of environments that enhance new models for "branding", customer ownership and participation, and from all levels within a company or institution. Project management that reinforces new approaches to interactions with others.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Transformation in Medicine

Today I am blogging from a conference in Tampa FL regarding digital media in medicine.
This experience shows real change and possibilities for the future and future generations.
The iPhone/iPod Touch SDK (software development kit) has lowered the barriers to software development and distribution. We hear many stories about 20 somethings building apps and making bank.
This customization for personal use based on needs people have other than what is provided in traditional medicine.
A patient can walk into an office with something like OsirisX (dicom viewer) and have every MRI, CT scan, Ultrasound, and image in their hands. Empowerment!

This holds true in medicine as well. Most IT organizations in hospitals fear change and do not necessarily want to learn new ways to manage and support their clients.
EMR databases tend to be MS Windows only as they have had mind and market share for quite awhile.
It is clear to this observer that critical mass is is now taking place among Dr's, Nurses, Administrators, Students, and clients. This is the same change we have seen in other channels.
Ancillary digital devises are not only cool and good for email and texting, but also have the capability to extend care and treatment to patients in remote areas or those who cannot travel, as well as, providing a platform for empowerment.

A revolution is underway and it seems to taking on and absorbing all comers.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Transformation in politics

Regardless of your political ideals there is a breath of fresh air coming from our leadership.

Colin Powell appeared on Meet The Press this past Sunday.

He used terms and verbiage previously unheard by this observer.
When he spoke of the need for transformation and generational change I about fell out of my chair.

Generational change is occurring much faster than anyone one can measure or expect. Moore's law comes to mind as it also reflects exponential growth. The catch now is that while the number of processors has certainly doubled every 18 months a ceiling has been hit.
if our children have maxed out their processing power it is only because we have moved into an information age removed from specialized knowledge. If we teach critical thinking then this is fine as the data is available to all.

As Colin suggested we must get beyond rhetoric and hubris. We must lay the groundwork today in order to allow change at a much more rapid pace. This is demanded and critical, not something we can sit back and wait for.

Conscious Capitalism

I have recently been fortunate enough to play a small role in an event in Austin TX, hosted by John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods.
In his white paper, John discusses the need for commuinity not just in business but in social activism.
He proposes the notion that not only is the consumer the content, but also and most importantly, "transaction" is now "transformation".

For those of you whom have not heard or read about his white paper on Conscious Capitalism, please read here.

This kind of dynamic thinking in the way business is conducted is a testament to those who do not see world affairs as being local or purely for personal gain.
There are major efforts underway to move corporations from a state of "competition to one of "cooperation".

This movement is being augmented by an even occurring Nov. 6-8th in Austin TX
The working title of the gathering is;
Catalyzing Conscious Capitalism

Creating Transformative Environments

Creating transformative platforms is a major step forward in thinking that embraces and enhances the rapidly growing paradigm shift in the way users consume and interact through the use of new technologies. In this model the consumer is the content. The message is dialogue. The destination is the journey. Individualism is now community. The transaction is transformation.
Market segmentation has become integration.

These rules affect the way we educate, interact with each other, learn, and guide.

Think of an old school pinball game.
The consumer/client/participant is like the ball in the game, the bumpers are the rewards and obstacles. Sometimes they light up and cause great points and rewards, other times they simply knock you around until you accidently hit another.
Our job is to act as the flippers.
We help keep them in the game with gentle whacks, sometimes it is a harder tap, others require a little hip thrust, all without tilting!

The Milieu is the most important factor here.
Whether we are creating platforms for social networking, fields for instruction, or environments that foster change.

Chaos is only apparent to those who do not see the underlying structure.